Monday, March 2, 2009

Today's Appointment

Treasure's appointment with Dr. Earl went very well today. I have to confess that I had been preparing myself to hear bad news. Treasure had a pretty bad weekend, but then, she also has an infection in her eye and that has made her pretty uncomfortable.

After he did her ultrasound, Dr. Earl explained to me that, though the mass has grown this time, the growth is very minimal. He thinks there is a little inflammation going on, so he gave her a lower dose anti-inflammatory drug to take for ten days. All in all he was very encouraging. He thinks she is faring well - no weight loss or loss of appetite. She still loves her walks and is very vigorous and energetic with them.

Here's my sweet little dog. You can see that she is favoring her right eye. Her eye doctor (yes, she has her own eye doctor!) said the pollen might have something to do with it. She is taking her antibiotic plus an ointment four times a day. Needless to say, she doesn't really appreciate me coming after her so much these days. But she is still the sweetest dog in the whole world. She has blessed my life and our house for five years.

1 comment:

Rockin M said...

Awww. I pray that she will continue to fare well as she continues to be your little superstar! Thanks for sharing!