Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Dog Story

I may have mentioned this before, that I enjoy an ebay online community of dog-lovers. They are mostly women from all over the United States (and even Scandinavia). This "thread" started out as the home of a darling rescued Westie named Tess. Over the years Tess collected many friends with dogs of various breeds, and the core of the group has maintained the site even after our dear little Tess passed away over a year ago.

We enjoy sharing the exploits of our puppers - both the good and the bad - and I have obtained permission to reprint this vet story from our member from Arizona. This fine fella is named Biscotti and he apparently lists his vet appointments very low on his preferred activity list! He has a brother, a long-haired dachshound named Winslow. (She mentions Vixen, another Scottie who passed away last year.) Here, then, is Biscotti and his story:

Both boys were highly upset last night. Biscotti had a vet's appt.,
just his yearly check-up and distemper booster. It was also the first time Winslow
had to stay home alone...usually he had Vixen for company.
Well..the B Boy was not happy to be going to the vets in the first place.
After we got inside he would not settle down & behave...
I had to go back out to the jeep and get his crate!
We crated him where he continued to voice his displeasure at the whole experience.
It's around 5:30 pm, so the joint is hopping with people and pets (which just makes it worse)...wouldn't you know it? An older couple with a C-A-T in a see through carrier sat down next to us and plunks the carrier on the floor...right next to Biscotti!!
OH.MY.GOD>>>A CAT>>>>The commotion from inside the crate was truly deafening,
and probably frightening for people who do not know the terrier attitude
and determination and Biscotti's complete obsession and distrust of cats.
The crate fairly skipped across the floor closer to the cat...
the old couple were horrified and asked us what was in the crate.
I very calmly replied, "A Tasmanian Devil".
I thought Dale was going to choke, the old couple grabbed their cat
and moved across the room. Funny...no one else sat next to us..ha.
I finally asked the gal to put us in a room..for the love of God, please.
Biscotti was wound up tight enough to play tiddlywinks on, and naturally
the vet was running late. They got us in a room which only helped settle him down a bit,
as he was on high alert for another CAT.
Dr. Sherrill laughed at his antics and mentioned we could get Valium for his next appt....
I asked if I could take it too. Jeez...what an experience.
When we got home little Win was soooo happy we were ALL back...
he yapped and whined and looked pathetic. You would think a simple trip to the vet's office would not be such high drama...wouldn't you??
After we got home Biscotti was his happy calm self again...
we could of strangled him..haha.
The postscript to her story...
When Biscotti gets stressed out he sheds really bad, like a dried up old Christmas tree shedding it's needles...Vixen did too. So, I was covered in Scottie fur to boot, luckily wasn't wearing a white top, but it was a light color..hehe.
I couldn't help but laugh and enjoy her recitation! Makes me realize what a jewel I have in Treasure, although if I'm foolish enough to wear a dark shirt, I will get white Westie hair all over it!

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