Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Funny Treasure

We had Bible study today at Jo's house. Our gathering has become as much about our doggies as it is about us. We enjoy the humor and affection they give as it adds to our bonding as a group of women. Usually it's Treasure and Jefferson. Now we sometimes have Betty Lou, and when Jo is dog-sitting, we'll get Byron or Mollie.

Today, as Treasure ran to Jo's door, Mollie was standing behind the glass. When we walked in they took one sniff of each other and proceeded to totally ignore each other for the next two hours! It really was as if Mollie was invisible! And vice-versa! This was one of the quietest Bible studies we have had all year!

All I can think is that Treasure was disappointed that Jefferson was out of town. Jeffie and Mollie have very similar markings, but Mollie is larger, a Maltese, and Treasure wasn't going to be fooled by her disguise! She knows her boyfriend, and nobody else can take his place! Funny little Treasure.

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