Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I wouldn't say that I am "riddled with A.D.D.", but I am a multi-tasker and really can't handle being totally idle. That's why cross-stitching is a good activity for me-- I can appear idle but my mind and my hands are moving and creating and producing something!

Anyway, after multi-tasking at a couple of churches for ten or so years, retirement just gave me another opportunity to be busy. Graham's ministry (writing and teaching Sunday school material) really picked up steam about four years ago. He is the thinker/writer/creator of a series of lessons and I get to do the fun part: formatting, editing, and illustrating the lessons.

Once a year we take our products to the Grace Evangelical Society conference held in the Dallas area. This year our Board has jumped "on board" to help us with a new display. My artistic partners, Doug and Lois White, designed the layout and coloring for the display, then gave me an extensive list of "homework" to accomplish. (Oh goodie!)

Once the homework was turned in, the creative team came back and set up the display board. This is what you see in the picture. We'll have ample table space to show our workbooks, tracts, and CD's. As of this date we have eight complete curricula available for sale to churches. Currently we are "class-testing" the study on Revelation and will make it available after we complete it in the Fall. (All of our material is "class-tested" by our Sunday school class at church.)

The White's also encouraged me to set up a powerpoint presentation. Over the years I have collected photos of various aspects of our ministry - Sunday school activities, Board meetings, and my Ladies' Bible studies. So I put them on slides and turned the presentation over to another creative and computer-savvy Board member, Charlene Webster, who looped music to the presentation so that it will play continuously at the display as people come to peruse our materials.
I am so grateful for creative people, and doubly grateful to have them on our Board. And the best thing is that they keep me busy multi-tasking!

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