Monday, March 16, 2009


We have been blessed today with a good report on Treasure. Our weekend was filled with gloom and fear after Treasure began some serious bleeding Saturday night. My prayers consisted of pleadings that God would let her hold on throughout the weekend so we could get to Dr. Earl Monday morning. With a handful of prayer warriors alerted and ready to intercede, we watched Miss Treasure closely and tried to keep her quiet and comfortable. And with just one trip to the bathroom during the night, she and I both got the best sleep ever last night!

Dr. Earl checked her this afternoon, did another ultrasound, and found that nothing had changed in the two weeks since her last exam. He thinks some of the tumor might have sloughed off and caused the bleeding. And since it had almost stopped by this afternoon, that became a non-issue. I know that if it happens again what to look for before getting panicky.

So now we are down to finding a way to keep her meds down. We'll cut the dosage in half again and give her pepcid daily. And hopefully her little system will handle them. As we got into the car to go home, my mopey little dog had a great big Westie smile and now she's peacefully sleeping away near my feet. Can't ask for more than that!

Thanks to my prayer warriors, and especially to Doug, who met us at the vet's office and kept Graham company. You all are the best!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! So very happy to hear this news!

That is great you now know what to look for should it occur again. That will eliminate much anxiety, I am certain!

Wishing you, Graham and Treasure much more quality time to come!