Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Just About Done

Every day I get another little detail taken care of in our newly remodeled room.  The first detail I took care of was to repurpose the room from "media" to "sun" room. I realized, after all the various items I purchased for it came into place, that my subconscious had already deemed it a sunroom! It feels so bright and roomy now and the new shades let lots of light in, making it a happy place.

This Saturday I will get Murphy's TV armoire brought in, and he will get the TV set up some time this weekend. I think it will cover most of the wall plugs. If not, a little foliage on top of the armoire will do the trick. Then I need to decide what pictures to put on the walls. I'm leaning toward some of our travel photos that I enlarged and framed. And I want to look at Pier 1 for a wicker rocking chair. With that addition and some kind of end table I think I'll have it finished.

Almost forgot about the glass decor. I don't know exactly how to describe what I'm going to do with the glass doors. I'll just have to show them off once they are done. And that can't happen until the cracked glass panels are replaced. So stay tuned for an update.

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