Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Easter Cake

I'm making this cake for Easter! Since Meredith gave me a choice of salad or dessert, I thought this would be a cute (and easy) thing to make. You can get the picture tutorial here at the Picky Palate. Savannah has pretty much dominated my blogposts lately, so this is a colorful diversion. While I am digressing, let me say that we are now officially Savannah's owners! Her guardian at Westie Rescue called tonight and happily confirmed our decision to keep and love her. I have a couple of projects I'd like to get started on, and then there is the big "renovation" that will begin right after Easter. Our Beth Moore Bible study is finished for now, but I have an interesting video series that will give us six weeks of study, enough to go through the month of May. I'll see who isn't "studied out" and is willing to go six more weeks! Spring is now here, the tomatoes are setting, the beans are growing, and I cut some parsley and basil for my pasta supper tonight. Now, as soon as that pool water is warm enough, Savannah will have some swimming buddies! Bring it on!

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