Thursday, February 26, 2009
What's in Papa's Pocket?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Treasure's Haircut
Friday, February 20, 2009
It Finally Came!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Play Date with Jefferson
Friday, February 13, 2009
Oatmeal-Walnut-Cranberry Cookies!
Here is the simple recipe:
1 box of Cake Mix (I used Butter flavor, but pick anything you like)
1/2 cup Butter (1 stick) melted
2 large Eggs
2 cups Old Fashioned Oats
1/2 cup Walnut pieces
1/2 cup Craisins
Heat oven to 375 degrees. Combine cake mix, butter and eggs in a large mixing bowl. With an electric mixer, on low speed, mix for 1 minute. Then mix 1 more minute at medium speed. Dough will be thick. Add oats, nuts and cranberries and mix well with wooden spoon.
I used a small cookie (ice cream) scoop and placed one full scoop every two inches on a cookie sheet. Bake at 375 for about 15 minutes. Cookie should be golden brown. Remove from oven and transfer cookies to a baking rack to cool.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Treasure's Research
Aside from that exciting news, she continues to act like a healthy little dog. The only thing I notice now is that it takes her a lot longer to empty her bladder. I don't mean her frequency in "marking" spots along our walks, but first thing in the morning, or last thing before bedtime, it seems to take much longer to "finish" her business. Other than that she is still very spunky for an eleven year-old and most days has a good appetite and eats well.
She tickled me last week. Our weekly Bible study has not met in full attendance since November and for two weeks we stayed home while I had the stomach flu. So last week we were able to go to Bible study and everybody was there, including her pal Jefferson. Treasure was one happy dog! It was so obvious that she had missed both Jeffie and all her lady friends. I will have to be more conscious of her routine and what it does to her when she misses something!
We see Dr. Earl in a couple weeks for her next ultrasound. I hope I have more good news then.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Here's What I'm Working On
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Random Thoughts
Enough of that. I have to change my TV channel every once in a while, just to keep some sanity.
So, changing channels, my ladies Bible study just completed a study on the Psalms of Ascent. Those are the psalms, from 121 to 134, that centered on the pilgrimage of the children of Israel to Jerusalem for the great feasts. These are very personal songs between God and His child. Our study with Beth Moore was excellent. Now we are embarking on her study of Esther. It's sub-titled "It's Tough Being a Woman." I'm looking forward to this one as well.
I was first introduced to Beth Moore Bible studies over ten years ago. I had previously done Precepts studies which were done with large groups of women. Like Bible Study Fellowship, the "small group" classes consisted of 15 to 20 women. My preference for intimate study has been along the lines of five to eight per class. So the Beth Moore groups I have led have been independent of church sponsorship and can stay small. My group has grown to seven for this spring, a number I can be quite comfortable with.
Coinciding with the start of Esther is our Sunday school class beginning the study on Revelation. That is the curriculum we just put the finishing touches on - over 300 pages of commentary, questions and charts. That brings our inventory of Bible study curricula to nine. As soon as the final corrections are made to the Acts study, it will go up on the ministry website. All of our curricula is "class-tested" and proofed, then corrected before it is available for sale.
One final thought... It seems like this winter has been exceptionally brutal. I have cyber friends who live in the north and northeast and they have been inundated with sub-freezing temps and piles of snow and ice. Down here in the balmy south Texas winter, we have had mild temps but rampant sickness. Schools have closed just to keep the germs from spreading. The pews at church are half-filled. Makes me wonder about biological warfare. Think how easy it would be to wipe out an army with a stomach virus!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I'm Back with the Living... Again
After three days of liquids and jello, Meredith brought over a bag full of co-op produce. I have fresh fruit, potatoes, onions, lettuce and tomatoes! Her neighborhood co-op meets twice a month and she has thrown my $5 into the kitty. I'm looking forward to some vegetable soup and a big salad.
I just want to throw in a word about Treasure. I know many who read this blog are following her progress and I haven't written much about her lately. That's because she is doing so well. Honestly, if she had not gone for that geriatric check-up I would not have had a clue she was ill. It has been almost 6 months since her diagnosis and she acts and looks like a very healthy eleven year old. I am thanking God for each day we have together. We start another round of antibiotics today, but those are tolerated with her food. She has been the most loyal dog throughout six days of my laying in bed, not able to take her out walking. I think she suffered as much or more than I did! So today's walk was a very special time indeed!