Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Time for a Break

Either I'm getting too old or Graham is getting too wordy. Either way, this proof-reading and editing is wearing me out! I'm on the fourth edit today. The first one was to correct Graham's first round of errors. Then I started my "format" where I put in headers and footers and all kinds of helpful graphics. I glance through to straighten the margins and change fonts and stuff like that. The next edit is Graham's second set of corrections and that slows me down quite a bit. This time our friends and Board members, Doug and Lois, did a proofing, so now I'm going through for the fourth time and making their corrections. Did I say that I'm worn out?

I decided to take a break and do a little cross stitching. I found a pattern in my Jeremiah Junction magazine of a barn that looks amazingly like one of the many Amish homes we observed on our Pennsylvania vacation. So I grabbed some canvas, pulled the threads I need from my work box, and sat down and started stitching! I had forgotten how relaxing that can be.

My mother taught me many sewing techniques as I was growing up. I remember that she and I used to do needlepoint projects together. She was very good at crewel embroidery, something I really didn't catch on to. But I picked up the art of cross stitch and enjoyed that for several years, then put it away for a decade or so. About nine years ago, my friend Ruthie and I started a cross-stitch group from our church that met once a month to sit and stitch and enjoy each other's company. She directed me to the Jeremiah Junction books which are filled with "Americana" patterns and Scripture verses. And I've had a love relationship with that magazine ever since!

This has been a nice break in the action. I just realized, though, that I have to get my choir notes written for tomorrow night - yikes! There's just no rest for the weary, not tonight anyway!

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