Thursday, September 25, 2008

Second Opinion

I have an appointment for Treasure to see Dr. Earl next Monday. I feel much peace about this decision.

I suppose this is something I should have done a few weeks ago, but this is all new territory for me and I'm feeling my way around one day at a time.

What I'm talking about is getting another opinion about Treasure's diagnosis. What has had me in a quandary is that her doctor gave me his opinion that my little dog would be dead in two months and there was little we could do about it, even though we chose to do the "little." And that was it, except to say that we could be with her when they "put her down" or to make note of the emergency clinic that is open on weekends. When I asked if they wouldn't want to see her occasionally, they said, "Sure, give us a call."

So for four weeks I have been medicating my little dog, watching her pee, and waiting for her to tell me it's time to die. And all along she has appeared healthy, happy, hungry, and any other "h" adjective I can think of. So what gives?

Enter my friend, Lois, mother of Jefferson Lincoln White, poodle extraordinnaire. Jeffie, as with most purebred dogs, has his share of "issues" and spends a lot of time with his veterinarian. And Lois, not being one given to shyness, has spoken often of Jeffie's little friend Treasure to Dr. Earl. So it was not unusual for her to mention Treasure's saga of bladder cancer and my bewilderment over her condition.

After lending a compassionate, listening ear, Dr. Earl graciously offered to see Treasure and give us his opinion of her condition, treatment, outlook, etc. So after a lot of prayer, I have decided that I will call and take him up on his offer. If there is any way I can help prolong the life and quality of same for my Treasure, I feel I owe it her.

Stay tuned in the next few days to hear what may be a new chapter in our journey.

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