Treasure had her regular checkup today with Dr. Earl. Before he took her back for the ultrasound, I mentioned to him that there was a "bump" on her back near her spine and asked him to look at it. When he felt it he decided to do a needle biopsy while he had her in the back exam room, and then took her back while I waited.

He was smiling big when they came back and said he looked at four angles, then compared the measurement from today with seven previous results, and her tumor is not growing at all! And the "bump" on her back turned out to be a blocked sweat gland and he released the pressure there and it is no more! What a trooper! What a dog!
If she didn't have that cancer she would be a very healthy 12 and 1/2 year old terrier. Her skin is healthy and her coat is full and soft. She's eating well, sleeping well, and, well... she's just doing well! He will see her just before we leave for France in May, but feels there is no reason to be concerned about leaving her for two weeks. He knows her sitter. In fact, she has his home number and his cell, and he would want her to call him if she needed anything.
My heart is now at ease. Thank you, Lord.
Yeah!!!! What a good report, to have, just before y'all travel. Yes, now you can go with a happy heart. Glad you have a good sitter. What a precious gift.
Have a good trip
So great to hear about such a great report.
You named her so well because she is a treasure worth millions!!!
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