I'm combining our Monday and Tuesday activities, mainly because I forgot to take my camera with us yesterday, and I did remember it today, but there just wasn't much to photograph! And because I put these photos in backward, I'll start with today!

After the cooking demonstration at the Pearl Market on Saturday,
Bekah visited with the chef, who told her she could buy his special champagne dressing at his restaurant in
Boerne. So that was number one destination for today. The restaurant, which is right on Main Street, has a very narrow storefront. What you see in the picture is just how wide it is. But as you walk in past the bar, the dining area opens out to windows on the side. It's lovely and very upscale. We made our purchases and then met Graham, Meredith and the boys to do a little window shopping before grabbing a bite of lunch at a Mexican restaurant.

Adrian was pretty sure he didn't want to touch that bull, even though it was just a metal sculpture. He made sure cousin
Bekah didn't get him too close.
After lunch we all headed back home for a siesta.
Boerne wasn't near as interesting as
Fredericksburg, though we did make a stop at the bakery on our way out of town. Graham made a call to his brother Pat and we agreed to drive back out (past
Boerne) to his house to eat a salad picked fresh from his garden.

Pat gave us a quick "sniff and tell" test of his veggies and herbs.
Bekah got all but one correctly! The two of them puttered around in his kitchen and managed to pull together a salad, some cooked greens and
broccoli, and some fish! We concluded that a bachelor's kitchen is not the easiest place to cook a meal!

After dinner Pat showed us all around his garden, which includes lots of veggies, herbs, fruit trees, cacti, wild flowers and various other trees and flowering shrubs. He knows the name of every plant on his property!

Soon it was time to go back home. And after looking at these group pictures, I realize that I'm the shortest person in every one of them! Where did all these tall people come from?

Graham caught this lovely picture of
Bekah at Pat's while we waited for the fish to cook.

Now, back up to Monday, and here we are at La Margarita's for,
umm, let's see... for Mexican food! At least
Bekah has sampled something different at every Mexican restaurant we've taken her to. And perhaps she's picked up a recipe or two. She sure has won the heart of one little boy.

And of course, the mandatory purchase of pralines at Mi
Tierra! I took this picture with my cell phone and, as we were waiting for Meredith to get her order,
Bekah texted Kate that she had her pralines in the bag! This technology is mind-boggling at times! I even emailed the pictures from my phone to my computer!
We have been doing most of our sightseeing and shopping in the mornings and then resting the rest of the day away. So last night I suggested we might go see a movie. Bekah and Graham decided on "Clash of the Titans" and we washed our dishes and got out to the theater in time for the 7:00 show. We had great seats in a nearly empty theater and enjoyed a good movie. I kept thinking to myself that my mother would have loved the movie. She was so enamored with the stars and constellations that she taught the school children who visited the planetarium at the museum in Wichita Falls. And the mythology in the movie would have brought her much pleasure.
It's hard to believe that tomorrow is Bekah's last day to explore San Antonio. We're going to make it to the River Walk, come rain or shine. I'll have my camera with me, so come back for a report with lots of pictures.
1 comment:
I've been anxiously awaiting an update- thanks so much! Sounds like a neat time at Uncle Pat's place. And as far as the restaurant in Boerne- you know it's upscale when there's an "e" on the end of "grill"!
Sounds like a full week will be ending on a high note with the riverwalk. What a blessing this has all been!
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