I think I've finally had enough sleep to think clearly and write about our conference from last week. This is probably the twelfth GES conference we've attended. We started going to them when Graham retired in 1998. Depending on where I am in life and what my vocation happens to be, these conferences for me are either outstanding or run of the mill. This one was somewhere in between. I am always looking to learn, or at least be reinforced in my thinking. In the last several years, though, the speakers have just not motivated me a lot. Maybe it's just me.
Anyway, we were again meeting at the Riley Conference Center on the campus of Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Ft. Worth. The weather was lovely this year and I enjoyed walking the campus streets and taking a few shots of the revered buildings. Some of my Baptist preacher friends will certainly recognize the Student Center (in the third picture) and Bernard Hall (in the last). Guests who were not able to stay in the Riley Center had rooms in Bernard Hall, just across the street. It seems the SWBS is celebrating 100 years.

Doug White got right to business on Monday, setting up our display and all our wares. The theme of the conference was the Epistle to the Hebrews so we edited our SS lessons on Hebrews into a commentary and priced it for a "conference special." Samples and CD's of our other curricula, as well as gospel tracts, were available to conferees. Graham is looking good at the table before the sessions begin.

Doug did a fantastic job of manning the table and visiting with passersby. There were many pastors, teachers, and students who looked with interest at our products.

Jo Schweizer came with us as has been her enjoyment for many of those twelve years. She asked Doug to hold those tracts for her eventual purchase. Jo is a learner and student of the Word and is an inspiration to "lay-people" to get involved with conferences such as this one.

I took my new "mini" laptop computer for a test drive. It's intended purpose is for downloading pictures on our travels, but I gave it a whirl taking notes during the sessions. It is certainly an improvement over hand writing, but will still take a little getting used to. Everything is small!

Tuesday afternoon was Graham's allotted time to present his paper, arguing against the "Incarnational Sonship of Jesus Christ." His topic is quite controversial and scholars are evenly split over interpretation. However, several men in his lecture complimented him afterward for his clarity in his argument.

Waiting to start, Graham visits briefly with his brother, Pat and friend, Joe Cowan. Since retiring, Pat has been coming to these conferences and gaining much knowledge from them. He brings members of his church each time.

Time out for a phone call before we begin. In the back of the room are Mike Pratt (pastor of Communion Chapel) and our friend Jo Schweizer.

Tuesday night is Banquet night! Tables are set and a delicious meal is served by seminary students. It's always a pleasure to visit with our grace friends. Charles and Nita Lowery have been sitting at our table for many years.

Many of the sessions and workshops that I attended were centered on the warning passages in Hebrews. From a grace point of view, I am challenged to finish my Christian walk "well." Having started this journey in Bible Study Fellowship, then attending Bible College, fulfilling a vocation in church work, and now facilitating a ladies' Bible study, I don't want to let my guard down and become complacent. There is always more to learn, personal growing to do, and lives to touch. I have the assurance that I am secure in Christ, but I want to be found faithful at the end of my life. May it be.
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