Friday, December 4, 2009

The Un-Snowy Day

After much hype and "winter watch and warnings" this week, we were to have an inch of snow fall on San Antonio today. Not surprisingly, it didn't happen! Although, right after lunch, as Meredith was leaving the house, we did see some flurries of snow, but we also saw the sun at the same time. That was really bizarre. All was not lost, however, because Meredith and I redeemed the time by making Christmas cookies. And, of course, my camera was close by, just in case.

Here is Andrew on the seventh-week anniversary of his birth. Last Monday he weighed a little over ten pounds! I think Meredith is going to have two tall sons.

The piano tuner (and repairer) came this morning to see what could be done for a dropped pedal on my piano. As you can see, Adrian was very curious about the strange man lying down under Ludee's piano! Eventually he went in the room and sat in a chair to watch.

Always a novelty at my house, the stairs lure him up to the second floor. He has perfected his safe descent by bumping down each step. He's getting really good at it too.

I thought it was time I tried to get a photo of both the boys, figuring by now it's pretty safe to capture them together (with Mommy's help, of course.) Adrian wasn't too keen on the idea at first, thinking it would be more productive if he could just get hold of his ball behind the chair.

Meredith finally got him to give his baby a little kiss! He gets pretty exuberant, though, and Andrew looks like he's saying, "Help me, please! I've had enough kissing!" I'll remember this moment when Andrew is pestering Adrian in a few years!
So, no snow today, but lots of cookies were baked and decorated. And Murphy came by as did Uncle Pat. For a while, the house was really chaotic, but peace reigns again - for a while!

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