Friday, December 17, 2010

Suddenly, I'm Better

I have no explanation. Last week I was still "bubbling" and "burping" and feeling queasy every evening. I tried two different prescription meds from the doctor that resulted in another episode of nausea on Tuesday. I quickly took an anti-nausea pill in the morning which let me sleep for the next 24 hours (off and on.) During one of my conversations with God about this dilemma, I admitted that I had run out of ideas, was really tired of going to doctors and taking medicine, and just asked for mercy.

So... on Wednesday I put away the IBS meds and the laxatives. They were just making me feel bad. I went back to my usual vitamins and Niacin and added the Pepcid. And we determined to eat only freshly cooked and very bland food, which means we are eating veggies and fruits and chicken and eggs.

I woke up on Thursday morning feeling pretty good. I fixed up some very plain potato salad - that tasted soooo good! We had that with cold cuts and fresh fruit. As I was getting ready for bed I realized that I still felt good and the "bubbling" was much less intense. That night I thanked God for His mercy. And today I have felt almost normal - praise Him!

One suggestion that I think I can live with came from a doctor friend of Meredith's who, after hearing her describe the symptoms, asked if I had been under any undue stress recently. She said, "As a matter of fact, she just lost her dog last month." And since this all started about a week after Treasure died, I have to believe that my body just let go and my immune system nearly shut down.

My heart has been healing - slowly - and I am recognizing that I don't need to be a hero and withhold my feelings of grief. I just read a book by Mark Levin ("Rescuing Sprite") about his sorrowful journey with an elderly dog who had to be put to sleep. I identified with so many of his thoughts and emotions as he struggled to come to grips with what had to be done. Writing was cathartic for him, and I believe it might be time for me to start writing about Treasure. I have a file in my computer for "Treasure's Tales" and it's just sitting there waiting for me to open it.

And suddenly, I'm feeling better.


Ruthie said...

I am so thankful and happy for you, I know how uncomfortable it can be when you bubble. :) I am becoming a firm believer of how our bodies react to stress. I am sorry that I didn't mention the possibility of "stress" to you sooner. Keep your eyes fixed on Him and start writing about Treasure. Thank you Lord, for healing my friend.

Unknown said...

Losing our beloved pets can be very hard and can affect us in many ways as we mourn, both physically and emotionally. We lost Jazzy, our yorkie, last Dec. 28th. The healing is still ongoing, and we miss her dearly, but it is getting better. We are considering getting another one before too long, but want to be assured that we are doing it for the right reason, not as a replacement for Jazzy. I'm so glad that you are feeling better and that you don't have to be on the more serious meds. I will be praying fore you.

Meredith said...

Amen to that! and thankful for God's mercies!!!