Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Special Birthday Today

August 14, 2010

Three years ago today. That's the day my first grandchild was born! It was also the first time I had ever experienced the birth of a baby in a state of consciousness! You see, I had been given amnesiac drugs at the births of my two children and have no memory of participation in their delivery. When Meredith first approached me about being with them for Adrian's birth, I wasn't really sure it was my place to be there. But I am so glad I went and was there to assist!

August 14, 2007

Much growing up has occurred over the last three years. Adrian has passed all the milestones for a three year old. He will move into a new stage of his life in September when he ventures off to Mother's Day Out. He'll begin to form friendships and bond with kids his age. He'll no longer be a baby and we'll wonder where that little boy has gone. It happens with every child, but deep inside we're never really prepared to let them move on.

July 3, 2010

Thank goodness for pictures that capture those moments, pieces of time that can never be duplicated. Preserved not only in our memories, but on film, in photo frames, or in our day, on a computer disc.

Happy Birthday, dear Adrian. All my love, Ludee.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

you made me cry:)sweet sweet memories. I'm glad you were there for his birth too! and Andrew's...there's nothing more amazing!