Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Special Wedding

Graham and I went to a very special wedding yesterday. A little over ten years ago a brash, young Romanian man walked into the church where I worked as I was casting roles for our Easter passion play. He took two roles as I recall and endeared himself into our hearts thereafter. You see, our daughter was moving to Romania, to the same city this young man was from and he gave us a visible connection to where she would be.
His name was Razvan and for ease in pronunciation, he shortened it to "Raz."

One thing Raz deeply desired was to find a wife. He prayed for God to send someone to him, and we joined him in that prayer. He soon obtained a good job with a large engineering company and, before long, was being sent out to different cities across America. Every time he would be back in San Antonio we would reconnect, get caught up with his life, and continue to pray for God to send him a wife.

We met Razvan's parents on one of our trips to Romania and, through Meredith's able interpreting skills, learned of their pride and love for their son, as well as their deep desire that God send Razvan a wife. And we joined them in asking God to send him one.

So last December we were overjoyed when Razvan called and asked if he could come to the house and introduce us to a very special young lady who had stolen his heart and whom he would soon ask for her hand in marriage. And when we met Anissa we knew she was the answer to Razvan's prayer. She is the perfect life partner for a special young man who was willing to wait on God's perfect choice for his wife.

And we were privileged to witness the vows and introduction of Mr. & Mrs. Razvan Pavel!
The wedding took place at the Little Church of La Villita in San Antonio.

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