Monday, August 3, 2009

It's Coloring Time!

Adrian has been "into" coloring for a few weeks. His mommy has some colors and colorbooks for him at his house, so I figured he could be entertained in the same way when he's over here. I found a great big colorbook featuring trucks over at Big Lots and brought that home with some fat crayons. Now, when he walks in the door he heads straight for the coloring book!

I've never seen a child so serious about coloring as Adrian! He gets right down to business and then selects a crayon and invites - no, insists -one of us to come color with him! He picks the color and the spot and we go to town with him! He gets the biggest kick out of this group participation. And, we never go to a new page until the current one is fully finished, like with absolutely no white spaces left! Serious, serious business!

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