Friday, April 3, 2009

More from the GES Conference

As promised, today I will upload some pictures from the Grace Conference.

Here is our group (minus Kathy Crow who took the picture). We were wearing our spiffy "logo" shirts that we bought specifically for the conference (except for Graham, who felt he needed to dress up since he was one of the workshop speakers that day).

In the picture: Jo Schweizer, Viva & George Garza, Lois & Doug White, LaRue & Graham.

Lois & Doug busily put together our display so that we were ready as soon as the conference began. They are the "marketing elves" of the ministry, taking care of every imaginable detail.

Bob Wilkin (the President of GES) started the conference on Monday afternoon looking at 1 Corinthians 2:2, "What Was Paul's Message of Christ and Him Crucified?" It was a re-consideration of the question, "What must we believe about Jesus to be saved vs. What must Jesus do to be the Savior." In order to separate our belief from belief plus works, we must leave all the doing to Him.

Steve Lewis (from Rocky Mountain Bible College and Seminary in Denver) and Jody Dillow (founder of BEE Ministries) followed with sessions 2 and 3. Steve explained that much of our Church Theology is formed by "consensus" - "if all believe it, does that make it right?" This leads one to claim, "All agree, so the issue is settled." I was thinking that this is true inside and outside of church. How often have we heard that the Global Warming debate is settled?

Jody spoke on the Parable of the Ten Virgins from Matt. 25:1-13. This one cut into my exhaustion and I slipped out to take a little snooze.

After a short break, our group met with plans to venture out into Ft. Worth to eat dinner at Mimi's Cafe. Lois & Doug went back to their hotel and Jefferson, and the rest of us crashed in our rooms at the Riley Center, exhausted from an early morning (5 a.m.) start of a long day.

More on Tuesday's sessions in the next post.

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