Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Treasure Update

It's been a while since I gave a report of Treasure. At the end of March I had quite a scare when she started passing blood in her urine. I took her to Dr. Earl on that Monday and he did another ultrasound that showed no further growth of the tumor. He thought perhaps the tumor might have sloughed off some cells and that caused the bleeding. We decided that it was in Treasure's best interest to find a way for her to keep down the anti-inflammatory pills that were causing her some tummy troubles.

Dr. Earl had previously suggested giving her an antacid such as Pepcid along with the pill, but that was decidedly not working for her. I had an idea (that probably came to me in the night, when I get most of my good ideas!) to try the pill without the Pepcid, and to cut in into fourths. Dr. Earl said just get some of it into her system, whether it be halves or fourths. And bingo! She took her pill with her food with no trouble at all!

When we went to Ft. Worth, Treasure stayed with our friend and pet-sitter Karen, and during that week she took her antibiotics. Now she is back on the NSAID and doing quite well. Except for two days of feeling blah and not eating, she is now her old self again! And we have enjoyed our girl for almost eight months since that dire diagnosis in August. Just thought you'd want to know!

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