Sunday, July 4, 2010

Family Reunion 2010

Well, we did it! We got a large part of the Wilson family together for a Reunion/picnic over the weekend. Thanks mostly to Judy and Pat for planning and preparing Pat's place for about 35 relatives from near and far.

We came in from Seguin, Boerne, Austin, San Antonio, and as far away as Virginia! We had grandparents, Moms, Dads, aunts and uncles, cousins, and a trio of the newest generation. Oh, I almost forgot brothers and sisters!

One major mishap prevented the Gatelys from joining us as Reagan took a nasty tumble off his bike at Pat's gate and they spent the evening in the emergency room getting stitches. But we have vowed to do this again next summer and hope to increase our numbers and triple the fun.

Here are some random photos from our day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Emergency Room? Didn't you have
a needle and thread and some
doctors around???
