Sunday, November 16, 2008

Treasure Update

I am so enjoying my new Canon DSLR camera! It takes really good close ups and, when I am able, I try to catch Treasure's face since she always turns away when she see the camera. So while I was photographing Adrian the other day, Treasure snuggled up at my knees and gave me an opportunity to get a real close close-up of her sweet face!

She continues to amaze me with her health. In August we were led to believe that she might live only two months with her bladder cancer. After a month of dazedly watching her and giving her meds, I finally decided to seek another opinion with the vet of my dear friend Lois. He gave me much encouragement saying her cancer could be very slow-growing and she might live many months more. We have enjoyed our days since that appointment and her follow-up ultrasound is scheduled for the 24th.
The only effect she shows is in relation to the meds she has to take. They will cause her to have some gastrointestinal upset which can be either very mild or very uncomfortable. Either way, it usually lasts only a day and I take her off the medicine for a few days and let her rest. The antibiotics don't seem to bother her, so I will ask Dr. Earl just how necessary the piroxicam is to her longevity.
Just thought you'd like to know how she's doing.

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