Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Afternoon Play

There is an old adage someone once taught me -- "Be careful what you ask for!" Because you just may get it and it might not be what you need. I was reminded of this as I have listened to Graham prodding Adrian to "hurry up and walk!" And now that Adrian is learning to "cruise" along the coffee table at our house, poor old Grandpa is a nervous wreck!

Okay Grandpa, look at me!
I can dance whenever my Mommy sings -- "de doo te doo te doo te doo..."

Oh, lookie here, a doggie just like Treasure!

Grandpa is ready to change gears and entices Adrian to read a book with him. This one is about a little elephant who loses his blanket but discovers that God can wrap His arms around him to keep him warm.

This is fun - Grandpa's reading me a story!

Now, let me hold it all by myself!

Well, that lasted a good three minutes! He's had enough of sitting quietly (and safely) with Grandpa. So now we get to see all his "moves" around the table!
Oh Lord, help Grandpa get through this transition!
First we do a little warm-up exercise to get ready for the real thing!

Okay, y'all. Is everybody watching? I'm getting ready to do something here!

Oh wait! Ludee's got the camera out. Here's my sweetest smile!
And so goes the afternoon until Mommy comes to the rescue - of Grandpa and Ludee!

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