I lead a wonderful group of ladies in a Beth Moore Bible study throughout the year.
We meet at my friend Jo's house, affectionately known as the Doll House.
(Although sometimes it is better known as the Dog House!)
Some of us are fervent "Dog People" and so, for the last year or two,
we bring our dogs to Bible study with us and let them have some playtime while we study.
Jo doesn't own a dog herself, but she is petsitter to many doggies and often has them with her on Bible study days. This week she was sitting with two-year-old Lord Byron, a Westie belonging to our pastor's father. Byron had been looking forward to a little excitement - as if he didn't generate enough of that on his own! Needless to say, Treasure was taken aback when she first saw him. It was like looking in the mirror!
They ran through the house and straight out the door to the back yard
where Byron showed Treasure his favorite bush!
Byron is about ten pounds bigger than Treasure, and nine years younger - and faster!
Before they could get fully acquainted our resident tornado, Jefferson Lincoln White, blew in, through the house, and into the back yard to see who was already here.
Jeffie may be small, but he has no match for his speed!
Lois, Jeffie's mom, takes a moment to introduce them.
We always gather around Jo's table for lunch before we begin our study and Treasure found herself having to share her cheese with Jeffie and Byron. Fortunately we got the six piece chicken nugget Happy Meal, so there were plenty of nugget bites to go around!

After a half hour or so, Jeffie and Treasure realize that they must protect their "turf" from the intruder, lest he steal away some of the affection reserved for them alone.
So poor Byron, every time he came close to either Lois or me, our dogs would give him a
"Get away from her" growl. But being only two, Byron didn't have a clue that he was being rebuffed! He maintained his happy attitude in spite of the warnings. Grrrr!
Uh oh! Byron caught Treasure napping and slipped up on the chair beside me to get a better view of the video showing on the TV.

Speaking of napping, look who took advantage of Kathy's nice warm Bible to curl up in!
Jeffie and Treasure have adopted many moms in the Thursday Bible study group.
Treasure, however, prefers to stay on the floor at their feet.
But when all is said and done, no matter who Auntie Jo brings to Bible study,
Treasure and Jeffie have pledged to be "Best Friends Forever"!