Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow in San Antonio... Really???

Winter came to South Texas this week. This very rare occurrence caused our temperatures to remain below freezing for three straight days. I think the highest temp has been 28 degrees. Even though it's been a personal affront to most of us, we try not to complain loudly because most of the rest of the country is stuck in the deep freeze with mounds of snow paralyzing their areas.

But snow in San Antonio is the rarest of rarities. The last significant snow here occur ed in 1985 when two storms brought 14 inches of white stuff that stopped everyone and everything in their tracks. The forecasts of snow have kept Facebook and Twitter buzzing with anticipation. And sure enough, last night around news time, a frozen mist started to cover our area. Unfortunately, this frozen mist was pretty much all we got and this morning San Antonio is covered in a layer of ice. Anything resembling snow collected on the frozen surfaces of the streets and sidewalks. But even that is pretty. Here is the view from my back and front doors.

The white covering of ice and snow give a nice definition to the pool.

If there is any accumulation in the grass, it can't be seen from my front porch. But the flower bed attracted some of the white stuff.

The sun is peeking out over the roofs across the street. Soon the ice and snow will be a thing of the past and we will wonder if we were just dreaming!

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